There are actually two main ways to get customers to use your services and support you.
There are actually two main ways to do this.

(1) Acquire new customers and supporters

(2) Getting repeat customers and supporters who are already using our services.

In the case of (1), the fact that we exist in the world
“In the case of (1), the biggest problem is that people don’t know that we exist.
So, how to make people know about us is very important.

It is very important to let people know about us.
In the case of (2), you are already known.

In the case of (2), you have already used the product once = you already know it.
In the case of (2), you have already used the product once (i.e., you know about it), so the degree of satisfaction is the main focus.

If they don’t feel that they want to use the service or support it

So, satisfaction is the main focus.

Now, let’s think about this big difference.
In (1), you can spend a lot of money to increase your visibility.
That’s why you have to spend money on advertising, crowdfunding, etc.
So, it is worthwhile for us to spend money to go out to places where there are already “people”.
It’s worth it.

But for the customers in (2), costs like those in (1) are actually meaningless.
(1) is meaningless.
It’s much more worthwhile to use the cost to increase customer satisfaction.